

The college you choose plays a defining role in what you believe, how you think, and who you become. ETBU is a Christ-centered university characterized by close community, 优秀的教学, 学生积极参与. 让我们帮助你完成神对你生命的计划. 在ETBU做你自己.



The 招生 process starts by submitting an Application for Admission and 金融援助. A US$50 application fee is required for all international applications for admission, 而且可以在线支付 在这里.

Official copies of transcripts must be submitted from the high school or college(s) you attended prior to applying to ETBU. 如果成绩单不是英文的, they must be accompanied by a written translation and explanation of the grading system. 在美国以外获得的大学学分, must be evaluated by an outside 年龄ncy to be considered for transfer credit. (访问 www.南汽.org/members for a listing of evaluating 年龄ncies or have ETBU evaluate the transcript for a fee of $75.00.)

International 学生 must prove that they have adequate financial resources to cover at least one full year at 东德克萨斯浸会大学. The 财务证明 form must be submitted with official copies of bank 状态ments for the 学生, 家庭, 和/或担保人证明有足够的可用资金. This form will be e-mailed to the applicant once we receive your application and application fee.

International 学生 are required to live in campus housing at ETBU. You are required to submit your Application for Single or Family Student Housing. The housing application is will be provided along with other application materials upon receipt of your application and application fee.

Students must also submit the 健康资讯表格 and copies of immunization records, especially verification of the Bacterial Meningitis vaccination. The 健康资讯表格 will be provided along with other application materials upon receipt of your application and application fee.


Students whose native langu年龄 is not English must also submit one of the following:

  • 托福成绩61分或雅思成绩6分.0;
  • 完成认可的ESL课程证明;
  • Letter certifying English was medium of instruction for at least one year of your formal education.

(记住,所有费用都是可以支付的 在这里 用信用卡付款.)

Before the issuance of a Form I-20 by the Office of International Education, 学生必须支付以下费用:

  • US$50 Application Fee - The application fee is non-refundable. You may also use international money order or bank transfer to pay this and other fees. 不寄现金或个人支票. If you are applying from within the United States, checks may be accepted.
  • US$75 Transcript Evaluation Fee - 在美国以外获得的大学学分, must be evaluated by an outside 年龄ncy to be considered for transfer credit. 

如果您无法访问表单, you may request them to be mailed or emailed to you by contacting Lisa Seeley at lseeley@huijiezdh.com


Once ETBU has received all your required 招生 paperwork and determined that you are admissible, I-20表格会寄给你. To study in the United States you must then apply for a 学生 F-1 签证 at your country's nearest U.S.A. 大使馆或领事馆. You may not, except in unusual circumstances, apply for your U.S. 签证 while in the United States or outside your country of citizenship.

Below is a list of documents you must present at the U.S. 大使馆或领事馆申请签证时:

As you will probably be applying for a 4-year multiple entry U.S. 签证, it is important that your passport expiration date is at least six months after the anticipated 签证 expiry date. 例如, if you were getting your F-1 four-year 签证 in May 2014, make sure your passport expires no earlier than the same day in December 2018. (应用ing on May 25, 2014 = your passport should NOT EXPIRE BEFORE December 25, 2018)

ETBU will issue you Form I-20 when you have satisfied the requirements outlined on our website and at the United States State Department website. 然后表格会邮寄给你. Always take your I-20 Form when travelling in and out of the United States, and do not forget to 在背面签个名 by your Designated School Official (DSO) before you leave the U.S. 回家一段时间. It is recommended to keep your I-20 with your passport at all times.

你也可能会在美国大学接受面试.S. 大使馆/领事馆在申请签证时. During this interview it may be necessary to present your academic transcripts, 你的支付能力证明(银行对账单), and evidence of your intention to return to your country after graduation from ETBU. (例如, 家庭成员, 永久的家, 工作机会, other physical or financial assets in your home country.)


本科生 转学 研究生
申请和50美元费用 申请和50美元费用 申请和50美元费用
高中成绩单 大学成绩单 大学成绩单及学位
托福(61)或雅思(6).0)分数 国际成绩单 学位等效性评估
财务证明 托福(61)或雅思(6).0)分数 整体2.75年平均绩点
住宅应用程序 财务证明 托福(61)或雅思(6).0)分数
护照复印件 住宅应用程序 财务证明
健康资讯表格 护照复印件 住宅应用程序
健康资讯表格 护照复印件