


1965年的高等教育法, 经国会修订, mandates that institutions of higher education monitor the academic progress of 学生 who receive federal financial aid. 东德克萨斯浸会大学 has established the following minimum standards to be eligible for and continue to receive federal financial aid. This policy reflects the changes to federal regulations that are effective as of July 1, 2011.

Please note that 状态 and some institutional aid may have higher academic requirements for renewal eligibility. 财政援助奖励年度分为秋季、春季和夏季三个学期. The May and summer terms are considered one “semester” for financial aid awarding.

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) will be reviewed at the end of each payment period (fall, spring and summer semester) and will be based on the 学生 achieving both a qualitative and quantitative standard as defined below.


第一年-最少1个.75 累积 GPA as a regular admitted 学生 (不包括双注册)

第二年及以上,至少2年.00 GPA  (transfer 学生 are considered to be beyond their first year upon enrollment at ETBU)


必须成功完成所有课程的至少67% 累积 hours attempted as a regular 学生, including transferable hours. (不包括双注册)


本科生可以获得经济援助, 如果他们符合条件, if they have not yet attempted 150% of the hours required for their degree (usually 180 hours). ETBU scholarships are eligible for 4 years, or 120 attempted hours, whichever comes first.



Students who fail to meet one or more of the SAP requirements will be placed on financial aid “warning.在受到警告时, 学生 will be eligible to receive financial aid but must complete the subsequent term by meeting all of the minimum requirements at the close of that term. The 学生 who fails to meet SAP during the semester of attendance while on warning will be placed on financial aid suspension.


如果学生被给予经济援助,则暂停, the 学生 has the option of appealing this suspension through the SAP appeal process. 如果上诉被批准, the 学生 will be placed on financial aid “probation” for the next semester, and must bring their SAP eligibility to satisfactory during that semester or be placed on financial aid suspension. 在试用期间, 学生可以继续获得联邦奖学金, 状态, 如果他们符合条件,还可以获得机构资助.


Students who were previously under a warning or probation SAP status and fails to meet SAP eligibility requirements during the next semester, will be moved to a financial aid “suspension” status and will not be able to receive federal, 状态, or institutional financial aid until SAP requirements are met or an appeal has been granted. Students who are placed on financial aid suspension may appeal this decision by completing the SAP 上诉过程.



如果学生不符合SAP要求, an appeal process is available for those 学生 who had a personal injury or illness, 亲属死亡, or believe they had other special circumstances that affected their ability for SAP.


Students who choose to follow the SAP appeal process must submit the online appeal. 申诉必须说明为什么SAP要求没有得到满足, and what has changed so that SAP requirements will be met in the future.

The 金融援助 Office will review the appeal and notify the 学生 of the decision. 批准的上诉将包括批准, 恢复财政援助资格的条款, 以及不符合批准条件的后果. Terms of rein状态ment may include expectations for the next payment period or an academic plan over an extended period of time. An approved appeal will result in financial aid being awarded for one payment period.

被拒绝的上诉将包括拒绝的理由, and what the 学生 must do to meet SAP in order to regain financial aid eligibility. Denied appeals will not be awarded financial aid until SAP is met.


Incoming transfer 学生 are assumed to be making SAP upon acceptance to ETBU. All transferable attempted credit hours will be included in the SAP calculation for the 180 maximum number of hours limit.


ETBU does not accept remedial transfer credit hours and does not include remedial coursework in credit hours.


Incomplete grades are counted as an “F” and will affect both the 累积 GPA and the minimum hour completion components for that semester.


Failed courses may be retaken as necessary, and are included in the SAP review.


Texas Tuition Equalization Grant (TEG) – meet institutional SAP requirements at the end of the first year; second year and beyond, earn at least 24 semester hours and at least 75% of the semester credit hours attempted with a minimum 2.每学年累积绩点50. 学生接受TEG的时间不得超过5年.


Students must meet the pace of progression requirement each semester with a minimum 2.平均绩点达到00分或该奖学金要求的最低水平.