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ETBU Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Appeal

The Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended by Congress, mandates that institutions of higher education monitor the academic progress of 学生 who receive federal financial aid. East Texas Baptist University has established the following minimum standards to be eligible for and continue to receive federal financial aid. This policy reflects the changes to federal regulations that are effective as of July 1, 2011.

Please note that 状态 and institutional programs may have higher academic requirements, and eligibility for those financial aid programs is subject to the requirements of each program.

A 学生 must meet BOTH the minimum GPA requirement AND the minimum hour completion to be in good academic standing.” Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) will be reviewed at the end of each payment period (fall, spring and summer semester) and will be based on the 学生 achieving both a minimum cumulative grade point aver年龄 (CGPA) and earning a minimum number of credit hours each academic year.

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